Truvalle Droughtmaster Stud
Weaners 20 Video of two heifers late for breakfst.
Situated in the upper Brisbane Valley on the edge of the Darling Downs and the South Burnett, Truvalle Droughtmaster Stud is located in an area known locally as "The Valley". Our total property area is approximately 675 ha.
The type of country is mainly light sandy loam, with rolling hills and open forest. At present we are running about 150 breeders, and 20 bulls, including 4 Stud sires.
Truvalle Stud Bulls are Sold at Rockhampton at the September Droughtmaster National Sale, & Coolabunia (Kingaroy) Annual South Burnett Bull Sale. In October there is the Droughtmaster Tropical Bull Sale at Roma. All of which Truvalle Bulls are represented.
Truvalle Stud Females, are mainly sold at the Droughtmaster National Female Sale Gympie, held in March, Coolabunia "Cream of the Crop" (Kingaroy) November. Paddock Sale enquires are always welcome any time of year for Bulls and Females.
Truvalle breeds and sells bulls, steers and females, selling their commercial pasture fed Store cattle through the Toogoolawah and Moreton Saleyards, often topping those sales. The fats go direct to Dinmore JBS.
Truvalle sells their traditionally exceptional bulls and females throughout Queensland, regularly attending major saleyard events, including The South Queensland Droughtmaster Store Cattle Show & Sale at Biggenden.