Birth Date: 06/09/03
Ident No: LN8 043169M
Brand: LN8 3169
Grade: Purebred
Truvalle Quarry has had a successful show career from his first entry at the Gatton Futurity in 2005, winning Champion Droughtmaster Bull. He went on from there to win a variety of ribbons including that of Reserve Grand Champion Tropical Bull. Later in the show circuit, Beef 2006 and Brisbane RNA he was awarded a second and a fifth ribbon. Quarry is at present working with selected females in our herd and his progeny has fulfilled our expectations.
Wingfield Prentice (S) V1385988M
Garthowen Cameron 2 (D) KAD94685M D5
Garthowen Vanessa (D) KAD88525F
Sire: Garthowen Farnham 2 (S) KAD97768M D5
Wingfield Prentice (S) V1385988M D5
Garthowen Xingu (P) KAD90588F D5
Garthowen Quaff (P) KAD83375F D5
Greenacres Juilien (D) T7R811055M D4
Wingfield Krypton (P) V1390334M D5
Wingfield Kia-Ora (P) V1379610F D4
Dam: Truvalle Tafia X (P) LN89982735F D5
Swan 576 (P) SHK87576M D5
Truvalle Tafia VII (P) LN8932429F
Truvalle Tafia IV (P) LN8891941F D5