Date of Birth: 10/09/97
Brand: KAD 768 (Sc) PB
Purchased at Rockhampton Droughtmaster Sale September 1999, for $23.000,
Garthowen Farnham 2 had the length, correct structure, fullness behind the shoulders
and depth of hindquarter we were looking for in a Stud Sire.
Garthowen Farnham 2 with the genetics of Wingfield Prentice
in both his Sire and Dam has proven to be a prolific sire
and a herd improver.
Marbling Tenderness Feed Efficiency
Greenacres Juilien (D) T7R811055M D4
Wingfield Prentice (S) V1385988M D5
Wingfield Peace (P) V1383841F D5
Sire: Garthowen Cameron 2 (D) KAD94685M D5
Par-Deux-Park Famechon (P) CTH 84292M D5
Garthowen Vanessa (D) KAD88525F D5
Garthowen Sarah (D) KAD85445F D5
Greenacres Juilien (D) T7R811055M D4
Wingfield Pretice (S) V1385988M D5
Wingfield Peace (P) V1383841F D5
Dam: Garthowen Xingu (P) KAD90588F D5
Kirknie 9/588 (P) 7UT78588M D4
Garthowen Quaff (P) KAD83375F D5
Garthowen Karon (H) KAD77188F D4